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SVOC analysis in groundwater

Sampling and analysis of SVOC in groundwater

When semi-volatile organic compounds, SVOC, are detected in groundwater samples it is a telltale sign that the water has been contaminated by human or industrial activity.

While many SVOCs have limited solubility in water, it is not uncommon to find this type of contamination in groundwater.

groundwater cave

Analysis of SVOCs

The target SVOCs in groundwater are typically chosen following a phase 1 investigation or when applicable in accordance with local legislations.

Accredited ALS laboratories around the globe offer an extensive list of SVOCs.

Analyses are performed in accordance with standard methods such as EPA method 8270 being a typical example. The instrument of choice for many SVOCs is GC-MS while other compounds, especially compounds developed over the last decade or decades, will require LC-MS capability. For example, modern type pesticides are best ascertained using the LC-MS.


Analysis provided by ALS includes:
  • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)
  • PAH
  • PCB
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Chlorophenols
  • Chlorobenzenes
  • Dioxins and Furans



gc-ms tray