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Pharmaceutical services


Pharmaceutical services

ALS has strategically partnered with NUVISAN to expand its client offering into research and development services whilst supplementing the ALS network with further GMP compliant QC laboratories. NUVISAN operates in both a contract research organisation (CRO) and a contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO) capacity providing drug testing services throughout the pharmaceutical development cycle. NUVISAN provides a unique opportunity for collaborators to consolidate almost all R&D activity to one provider. Broad capabilities, advanced technologies and dedicated Project Managers collectively drive real momentum throughout development transitions; ultimately increasing speed to patients.


Drug discovery services

ALS partner NUVISAN is able to service any and all Drug Discovery needs. With over 550 scientists and backed by one of the strongest technological platforms in Europe, NUVISAN’s Berlin facility houses Drug Discovery platforms. These significant facilities and industry-leading resources are now open and accessible for our customers to enjoy.


Pre-clinical services

NUVISAN is focused on offering turnkey solutions to their collaborators, from the single isolated study to the large corporate collaboration. The projects are driven by seasoned industry scientists providing advice and support through a well thought out process. NUVISAN can deliver from research through to development and safety assessment studies.


Clinical services

Several clinical testing facilities are available, through ALS partner NUVISAN, to support and perform healthy volunteers with a complete set of backend services to provide a comprehensive solution. NUVISAN phase 1 units can deliver from First-in-Man to Drug-Drug interaction, BioEquivalence, PK and many other study subtypes. Advanced methodologies for Volunteers recruitment, with backing from by a significant pool of medics, allows for a comprehensive and time-efficient execution.


Manufacturing services

ALS partner NUVISAN acquired the Sophia Antipolis Site in 2018; the flagship of Galderma’s Research and Development in Europe. Through this, NUVISAN gained and developed the topical drug development expertise, from Formulation development to Manufacturing, packaging and distribution. The team of seasoned scientists, combined with the wider ALS group, has significant tangible industry experience. This work includes, analytical method validation, CoA with specifications, PGI assessments.