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Analysis of SVOC in stack emission samples

Sampling & analysis of SVOC in stack emission sample

Over the past century industries have discharged considerable quantities of gas containing SVOC into the environment. As a result, elevated levels of these compounds are found, not only locally, but at distant locations due to long range transport.

A metal staircase and platform surrounding a large metal pipe leads to a door on a building.

Analytical method & sampling procedure

ALS environmental offers a full range of accredited analytical procedures for stationary source emissions based on US EPA, ISO or EN methodologies. Our laboratories will also provide the appropriate sampling media and solutions.

The analytical procedure follows international standards and methods.

gc-ms vial

Example of compounds, group of compounds or methods provided

Analytes Reference
Dioxins (PCDD/F) EN 1948,2-3; US EPA 23; US EPA TO9A
PCB EN 1948,4; JIS K 0311
PAH US EPA 429; ISO 11338
PBDE Modified US EPA 1614
Phenol EN ISO 14402


Samples are collected through a PUF or XAD trap module, sometimes with liquid impingers (glycols). The sorbent (XAD-2 or PUF, glycol) is then extracted by organic solvents, precleaned by multiplied column chromatographies, and the final extract is analysed by HRGC-HRMS. The method is optimized for the 17 most toxic PCDD/F congeners and for chlorohomologue groups from tetra- to octa- CDDs and CDFs (All 210 chlorinated dioxins and furans).


Samples are collected through PUF or XAD trap module. The sorbent (XAD-2 or PUF) is then extracted by organic solvents, precleaned by multiplied column chromatographies, and the final extract is analysed by HRGC-HRMS. The method is optimised for indicator PCBs (PCB-7), coplanar PCBs (dioxin-like PCBs) and for chlorohomologue groups from mono- to deca- chlorinated biphenyls (All 209 PCBs).


Samples are collected through PUF or XAD trap module. The sorbent (XAD-2 or PUF) is then extracted by organic solvents, pre-cleaned by multiplied column chromatographies, and the final extract is analysed by HPLC or by HRGC-HRMS.


Samples are collected by bubbling air through a sodium carbonates (Na2CO3) solution. Samples are analysed by photometry by reaction with 4-aminoantipyrine.

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