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Downhole Data Domaining

Multivariate, multiscale

Defining geological domains for characteristics like rock type, alteration, or mineralisation can be challenging. It’s traditionally a manual and time-consuming process, involving logging, sampling, and reviewing results against existing core logs. It’s also prone to human error. Some projects may have tens of kilometers worth of drill logs, that could have been logged by different geologists with varying backgrounds and skill sets. This makes it very difficult to maintain consistency between logs and connect them in three dimensions.

Multivaraite Multiscale - Laptop with geological data

The ALS Geoanalytics difference

At ALS, all of our geoanalytics tools are created with the geologist in mind. We take the expertise of geologists, geophysicists, and geochemists, and bundle it into a user-friendly, annotated workflow so any geologist can create an A.I. supported robust, reproducible, and auditable interpretation.

Geotechnical data

A geotechnical structural domain is defined as a volume of rock having geotechnically similar spatial and specific structural characteristics. Features such as fractures, rubble zones, and faults can be automatically clustered to help create a consistent, unbiased input for downstream resource modelling, hazard assessment, and mine planning.

Vein identification and frequency

The ore grade materials in many types of mineral deposits are contained in veins, but commonly there are several generations of veins in a hydrothermal system, and not all of them are equally mineralised. Understanding and quantifying the different frequencies, densities, and therefore total volumes of mineralised vein material is critical to accurately evaluating the grade and tonnage of an ore deposit.

Rock Quality Designation

Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is an industry standard measurement for quality of rock used to evaluate degree and depth of weathering, zones of rock weakness and fracturing. All of these parameters are integrated into a Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system, which helps predict failure behaviour and therefore informs engineering design, safety consideration, and capital development budgeting.

Rubble and fault classification

Fault and rubble classification is important in mining because it helps to identify the presence of geological structures and rock masses that can affect the stability of the mine. This information is crucial for mine planning, design, and safety. By classifying faults and rubbles, engineers can assess the potential impact of these structures on the stability of the mine walls and roof and take necessary measures to mitigate the risk of collapse or other accidents. Additionally, fault and rubble classification can also help identify areas that may contain valuable minerals or minerals with unique properties, making it an important aspect of exploration and resource evaluation in the mining industry.

Fault Classification

Fault classification is a frequent but challenging task due to the subjective nature of observations and logging by experts. We apply standardised approaches to deliver multi-purpose benefits for clients and provide a detailed understanding of the categorical distribution of faults in 3D space.