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Flow moisture point (FMP)/ Transportable moisture limit (TML)

Flow moisture point (FMP) / Transportable moisture limit (TML)

ALS Inspection have for many years determined a safe TML (Transportable Moisture Limit) for bulk cargoes by correctly sampling the cargo and determining the Flow Moisture Point (FMP). The issuance of FMP/TML certificates is one of the most important tests that ALS Inspection can perform in order to provide confidence to clients that their material is indeed safe to transport via bulk carrier.


The flow moisture point (FMP)

The Flow Moisture Point (FMP) is the point at which a granular bulk material becomes fluid. The FMP figure for a cargo is tested in a laboratory during a Flow Table Test (FTT.) The Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) is calculated as 90% of the FMP figure. This is the maximum moisture figure at which it is safe to ship the material. The moisture content must be under the TML for the Master to accept a cargo.

If the cargo is assessed as having higher moisture content than the TML, it is strongly recommended that the cargo should not be transported unless the vessel is specially built or fitted.

The decision on whether or not to load and transport a cargo is ultimately that of the ship’s master and the port authorities, however ALS Inspection can assist based on the results of FMP testing performed in-house.